

Quad - Geometric Art Deco Design by Ryan Livingston

Quad is a Frank Lloyd Wright prairie style stained glass inspired digital abstract geometric design; in bright, graphic anime-esque colors of black, red, gold, turquoise.

Quad Original Sketch webTo the right is the draft from my sketchbook. After I added the large black areas, it made all the difference.

I was drawing upon Frank Lloyd Wright’s stained glass designs for inspiration, and experimented heavily with textures. The textures in this were all generated with Photoshop filters… layers and layers of filters.

After years working on the small scale I was encouraged to move on to bigger things. 24×36 bigger things. And to be honest I wasn’t too crazy about it being large format… probably due to the proofing stage being done on the letter sized paper level.

Soon though, the larger size grew on my and I have one, full sized, hanging proudly over my bed.




Ryan Livingston

Ryan Livingston

Artist and Designer from Melbourne, FL, USA.

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